Pastor’s Desk – July 2024
The Pastors Desk – July 28th
Our Journey Continues Still!
When you read this, our pilgrims and I will be still in Medjugorje, enjoying and profiting spiritually from our visit. Even after a good number of years we still vividly remember the young person who was crying real tears over having to leave on our last day. She had sensed the unique blessing of Jesus and Mary’s special presence in that holy place – she had to force herself to leave! We have had our fair share of God‘s gifts to us there, and even now those who went are eager to share their newfound joy with you.
Conversions, vocations, healings, Catholic weddings are the undeniable fruits of this place. These special experiences are not ends in themselves, but enticements to go forward on the path to deep holiness and transformed lives.
– Fr. Peter
The Pastors Desk – July 21st
Medjugorje Has Begun!
By the time you read this letter, I may be in Medjugorje with our hale and hardy band, a little tired but ready to go with Mary’s help towards some of the most memorable events of their lives.
Medjugorje is a place of peace; “MIR” means peace in Croatia and, Mary had come to bring new faith to a people about to suffer a great deal. In this broken world, we now can enter into Mary’s realm of peace, one of the great gifts of this holy place.
This then is not about being on vacation. We are called to be attentive and hope Mary’s plans for peace will win out!
– Fr. Peter
The Pastors Desk – July 14th
Good Ol’ Summertime
When we were kids, we longed for summer; loads of fun, no school, no homework, and vacations at the beach, etc… There was one little cloud on the horizon – some teachers dared to assign summer reading!
As adults we are ready to respond fully to the opportunity to enrich our minds with wholesome reading. Every good spiritual director challenges students to do a reasonable amount of spiritual reading for today’s issues. Some will deal with material available online; we cannot as people of faith deal with today’s dilemmas with thoughts from 20 to 30 and 40 years ago!
Our minds and spirits desperately need spirituality, nourishment of the kind that is contemporary and up-to-date! If I catch you at the church door, let me know what you’ve chosen to read this summer!
Fr. Peter
The Pastors Desk – July 7th
Today’s Guest Desk Contributor: Peter Schubart, Music Director
St. Francis of Assisi Church Organ Fundraiser
Dear St. Francis of Assisi Parishioners, The St. Francis of Assisi Music Ministry is appealing to parishioners to consider a donation toward our wonderful Allen organ. In May, extreme power surges related to street construction melted organ electrical wires and shorted critical parts, which resulted in the destruction of over 200 organ sounds that are routinely tapped to generate the liturgical music for masses, weddings, and funerals. The Church brought in an Allen Organ repairman, who informed us that the Midi Ensemble and the Midi assistant module were fried. The plan is to purchase floor models of both components and to install the tone generators on top of the organ rather than inside it (saving intensive labor work). With these measures, the price of repairs would be reduced to $3,675.
The cost to correct the damage to the organ cannot be absorbed by the parish budget, which is why donations will be sought. Music elevates the soul, and our hope is to bring our organ back to its original working condition so that it can once again uplift our liturgies and our prayers. Over the next few weeks, Music Ministry Organ Donation envelopes will be available at all Masses. Every size gift is welcome, and all are 100% tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your consideration, your generosity, and your continued support of Music Ministry here at St. Francis of Assisi Church.
God Bless,
Peter Schubart, Music Director, St. Francis of Assisi Church
Greenlawn, N.Y. 11740
Pastor’s Desk – September 2024
Our bulletin publisher, on the occasion of me announcing my retirement from the pastorate at St Francis, asked me to write a short autobiography.
St. Vincent de Paul – September 2024
St Vincent DePaul Society is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
You Can Help Heal Your Marriage – Retrouvaille Weekend! September 2024
Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse?
Greenlawn, NY 11740
Rectory: 631.757.7435
Fax: 631.757.0469