Testimony of Justin Kozma

Oct 9, 2022 | Ministries

Justin Kozma is a member of the group of young adults who visited Medjugorje last month on the occasion of the 2022 Youth Festival. His testimony to what he witnessed there is presented here and in two other installments. 

I wrote last week of my experience in Medjugorje during this year’s Youth Festival, witnessing spiritual warfare at work, and the power of the Eucharist in confronting it. Here is a third encounter from my time in Medjugorje: 

The final point I want to emphasize is the reality of embracing Mary, our heavenly Mother. Mary guides us to Christ in a way that we cannot possibly hope to do on our own. She continues to know Jesus intimately in a way no one else can, having given birth to Him, raising Him, watching His ministry grow, suffering alongside Him at the cross, and witnessing His glorious resurrection. Now, having been assumed into heaven, she continues to work to bring people to Him – it is incredibly obvious when in Medjugorje that she is using this town and the visionaries to do so in a way that is sorely needed for our modern world. 

Throughout our time there I often imagined how pleased Mary must be watching so many people adore her son, go to Reconciliation, pray the rosary, and rejoice in the name of Jesus. Mary is at work, and the sooner we become her daughters and sons, holding her hand and letting her guide us more effectively and lovingly to her son, the greater our faith can be. 

I will end with a quote from Mary during an apparition Gladys Quirroga de Motta of San Nicolas, Argentina had in 1983 when she appeared to the visionary there: “You are faithful. Do not be afraid to come see me. You will walk, with your hand in my hand, and you will travel a long road.” I encourage everyone to take Mary’s invitation to grab her hand, to be childlike in faith, and depend upon her to guide us to our Lord. I pray that may mean taking the step to go and experience Medjugorje for yourself. She is appearing there and has made a place for all of us to come to know her even better, and more importantly, her son. 

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