40 Hour Adoration – Sept. 22nd, 2024

Sep 22, 2024 | Ministries

Eucharistic Adoration • Mondays and Fridays • 9:00am – 5:00pm

Thursdays • 9:00am – 8:00pm • Ongoing every week

40 Hour Consecration

During our 40 hours devotion, Fr. Peter will consecrate the town of Greenlawn to Our Lady with the title “The Old Fields Madonna” at 8:00pm on Monday, September 30th, following Evening Prayer led by Deacon Allan. We are asking our faithful parishioners to join us in prayer.

O Celestial Mama, we, parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi in Greenlawn ask you as Queen and Mother to protect this land, as we consecrate our humble hamlet to you. The pristine name given to our home, “Greenlawn,” reminds us of your purity, fruitfulness, and beauty.

Of old, our homeland was called Old Fields, reminiscent of the farms our relatives and those who came before us cultivated. We reverence this place as a gift from Almighty Father and trust that your care for us, your children, will continue beyond our years, that it may become part of your Son’s Kingdom on earth as His will be done in heaven.

In light of our history and our Lord Jesus’ providential concern for our well-being and sanctity, we place this hamlet under your protection and patronage with the title:

The Old Fields Madonna

May our love and devotion to you as The Old Fields Madonna bring with it a return of affection for us and all who live here, for all time. We ask this in the majestic name of Our Savior Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. Amen.

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