St. Francis Fall Concert 2023

Nov 21, 2023 | Community, Entertainment

The Music Ministry under the direction of Peter Schubart continues to inspire and delight our parish of St. Francis of Assisi!

The Fall Concert held on Friday, November 17 in the church presented music from composers Debussy, Puccini, Mozart, and Handel among others. Soloists from among St. Francis choir members along with accomplished musicians of the Liturgical Ensemble received a warm reception from those in attendance, almost 100 patrons. Please watch the bulletin and the St. Francis website for the schedule of future concerts.

Donations are gratefully accepted in support of the music ministry of St. Francis, and may be made by contacting the Rectory at, or by phone (631) 757-7435.

Music Director – Peter Schubart

St. Francis Choir


Daniella Brancato

Cathy Franke

Isabela Gaskill

Marion Johnson

Margit Scharar

Molly Snodgrass

Deb Susinno

Polly Taylor


Olivia DeSonne Ammaccapane

Linda Y. DiCarlo

Carol Ann Gallo-Russo

Gabriella Horvath

Peggy Kent

Sarah Meehan

Hana Yiu


Terence Goff

Vivian Tambe


Victor Jaquez

Sung Shin

St Francis Ensemble

Peter Schubart:  Piano

Mary Schubart:  Flute

Nathaniel Schubart:  Clarinet

Jaeyoun Hwang:  Violin

Grace Collins:  Violin

Lukas Shrout:  Viola

Peter Christian Schubart:  Cello

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was passed by Congress in 1972, with the stated purpose of enshrining equality between the sexes in our Constitution. However, it failed to be ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) within the 7-year time limit established by Congress.

Time, Talent, and Treasure.

Time, Talent, and Treasure.

At St. Francis, we foster Stewardship as a way of life. Let us be at God’s service and spread the Word to someone else this week.

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