Diocese of Rockville Centre Capital Ministry Appeal

Aug 1, 2021 | Community

July 6th, 2021

Reverend Peter Kaczmarek

St. Francis of Assisi Church

29 Northgate Drive

Greenlawn, New York 11740

Dear Father Kaczmarek

Based upon payments received as of July 1, 2021, we are pleased to report that your parish has reached its $65,900 goal, and in fact, has raised $68,169.00 in payments for the 2021 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please accept our heartfelt congratulations and please convey our sincere appreciation to your generous parishioners and your Appeal Committee for their hard work.

In order to expedite timely payments to the parishes, the Diocesan Finance Office will be making the parish share payments via electronic transfer directly to your parish bank account. This deposit will be made during the week of July 19th and represents 20% of your parish goal, plus 80% of any additional payments over goal.

If you have any questions concerning this, please feel free to contact the Catholic Ministries Appeal office at 516-678-5800 ext. 274.

Again, many thanks.

Sincerely yours,

Barbara Kilarjian

Director, Catholic Ministries Appeal

Parish Share: $14, 995.20

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